Carlos Delgado has done many great things in his career. Last night's achievement might have been his greatest: He finally hit a ball that Willie Harris couldn't catch.
Turns out Harris keeps a picture in his locker of a game winning catch (a walk-off catch?) off of Delgado last season that wound up, among other things, costing the Mets the divisional title. But he only puts it up in his locker when he plays the Mets. It didn't help him Thursday night, or at any point this series.
I'll use the above picture, one where Harris can only watch Delgado's home run sail over the wall, as my screen saver. But only when the Mets play whichever team Harris happens to be on. This means that I can't use it during the Pirates series in Pittsburgh, where the Mets have historically lost some awful games. This also means that Ronny Paulino is probably busy tacking some things up in his locker.
By the way, Orlando Hernandez thinks that Olympic gymnasts lying about their ages is totally reprehensible.
MD - we moved into first place last night! Sole possession! And, Chris Russo will no longer be heard on WFAN! I figured this would be one of your most joyous posts, but, instead, you give us a sense of foreboding for the Pirate series?!?
I guess I can't blame you - it's been that kind of year. Even last night, I was cursing Joe Smith for walking two batters in the 8th.
Though I know the owner of this blog and how he can't stand Chris Russo, I know like him, I feel a little older today knowing that another piece of my childhood is gone. I also hope that the Mets flagship radio station does not become a haven for Yankee fans now that Mad Dog is gone...
Love him or hate him...He will be missed!!!!!
By the way, did I miss it...the Mets are in first place again?
Why, oh Why, does playing the Mets psych up Willie Harris and so many other players/teams? We have been so bad historically, can't they just hate the Yankees like everyone else?
And Metstradamus, your El Duque/Chinese gymnast comparison is inspired.
Lastly, while I remain a stalwart Willie fan, I always had the sneaking suspicion that Manny Acta had Willie's number. Manny always seemed to magically outmanage Willie, maybe because he'd been a coach under Willie? But Jerry seems to have Manny's number! I love Jerry.
Willie vs Manny 13-7
Jerry vs Manny 3-0.
I know, I know. Small sample size. Its just a feeling.
Unser, good points. I'll respond thusly:
I got excited seven games up with 17 to play. And I'm not saying that just to make a point ... I actually wrote a post with a "7UP" logo. You can look it up. So I'm going to be really careful in a nip and tuck race like this.
And ...
Francesa and Russo are like seltzer and lemon juice. You need one to cut the other. One of them leaving is probably the worst thing that could happen.
I hear you. I made the mistake of listening to Francesa's opening . . . how maudlin. Did I hear a comparison to Lennon and McCartney?!?
And you're right - after last year we are not entitled to enjoy a division lead until its been clinched.
I saw Ronnie Paulino play tonight in Indianapolis. Not all that good these days.
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