Bediddly bediddly boing.

Boing boing boing boing boing, boing boing

Boing biddley boing ...


Boing .... boing de boing.

Boingity boingity boing.

Boing boing boing boing boing, boing boing

Boing bediddley boing bediddley boooiiing ...

Boing de boing de boing

Boing de boing de boing.

For some comedy that actually has a chance of being funny, why not visit Comix Comedy Club on July 30th where Mets Weekly's Julie Alexandria will join the newest New York Ranger Chris Higgins for some sports themed comedy? Here's a taste of what you'll experience.
These are never short of brilliant Metstra. The fact that you referenced helping Keith move - too good.
The mets do not deserve you....a genius in the shadow of fools. Tune in next week as we meet bernazard the beer nazi..."NO BEER FOR YOU!!!"
- Schneck (who seems to always be anonymous when he does this via his phone.)
Tipping my cap to the master!
As always - Metstradamus brings a bright spot to a total eclipse of a season.
Minaya can't be making these bad decisions by himself. He is not acting alone. There has to be a second screwup! Behind the bushes, along the -- wait, the bushes and the gravelly road were taken out when Citi Field was built. Well, there goes THAT conspiracy theory.
This was the funniest Met parody I've ever seen -- which is saying something, considering I've done a few myself.
Once again, you've proved your geniusiveness or is it geniusosity?
Nah, if want sports themed comedy all I have to do is watch the Mets outfield.
this is totally unrealistic. omar would never get through a sentence without uttering 'ju know?' or 'ju know what i'm sayin?' 50 times. i was also surprised to see him string together a coherent thought
I love you Metstradamus.
I've lurked long enough.
In a season of disasters piled on disasters, you make it possible to keep peeking at box scores without blowing a cerebral artery.
Your latest is wonderful, but your true greatness lies in your consistently brilliant posts.
The Mets are killing us--you're the defibrillator keeping the faithful alive.
Thank you.
Absolutely brilliant! Your posts make being a Met fan a little less soul sucking!
I think laughing to keep from crying is the best medicine, and posts like these really do the trick.
Here's an idea for the next one...
a followup on the "investigation" into the actions of Bernazard. Could be Law & Order themed, or maybe X-Files.
another gem metstra- can you keep this up for another 2 1/2 months? 'cause god knows there's nothing in flushing worth writing about.
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