The after dinner mint to your Mets experience.
"Well, there's 5 mins I won't ever get back in my life. Was it supposed to be funny?" -Matty
"Drop your skirt and climb down off the table already."-Dave Crockett
"Could we be anymore dramatic? Relax,the sky is not falling..."-Steve
"Some times you have to let it go Mr. Testosterone."-Anonymous
"With all due respect, shut up."-anonymous
"Metstra, hardly a collapse you dumbass"-Mark
"You're an idiot...How about being partial in your reproting. Who are you John Sterling"-anonymous
"This post was stupid and pointless...What on earth did this display except that you're cranky?"-anonymous
"You write a lot. What's with that?"-Jen Gyllenhaal (No relation, I think)
"Did you spend thanxgiving over @ Michael Irvin's house????"-Jabair
"What is wrong with you? I've got to put you out of your misery..."-Darth Marc
"For a good time, call Mr. Met. 718-577-TIXX"-Mr. Met
"Go to hell."-Erica
"You Bastard!"-Erik Love
"I want this guy dead."-frozeropes, a quote taken shamelessly out of context
"I threw up just a little bit in my mouth."-my brother
"As someone who loves holiday song parodies, this gets a big-time thumbs up."-Mark Simon
"Bite me."-Mario
"Photoballs? Bleeping photoballs?"-Greg Prince
"Sometimes a franchise just has a big, black mark over it and no amount of wishful thinking can turn the tide..."-Jaap Still
"Brilliant use of an instructional picture book."-Kyle in Newport News
"Does Met$tra have a gambling problem?"-Erik Love
"Hasta la vista baby. I throw up the white flag."-Joe
"I'm still a fan, but enough is enough."-Meet the Mets
"I watch the grass grow - it's more exciting."-David
"Freaking Chipper Jones. I HATE Freaking Chipper Jones."-Dave Murray
"Good God man, what have you done??!! You've released the genie from the bottle. I see the showers and toilets backing up at Shea, emergency landings at LGA, unusual tides in Flushing Bay, and when they break ground for the new stadium the construction gang will unearth and disturb some ancient Indian burial ground for unlucky and cursed members of the Iroquois nation...Blaspheme no more Metstradamus! You are tempting the fates!"-The Metmaster
Walk-O-Meter: 17 |
I feel like there is some sort of Brian Stokes joke here.
This is quite possibly one of the awesomest things ever.
Leave it to Metstradamus to think of this! Hysterical!
OMG! That was the absolute best thing I have ever read. You are a genius.
Hey! HEY!
Of course! It all makes perfect sense now! It's BORAS'S FAULT!
nice work.
Great stuff. ("Talking about yourself in the third apple." Genius.) I particularly appreciate the Garry Templeton reference.
Runs being scored! Home runs! Two game winning streak! And the streak will be alive for at least 3 more days! What more could you want (other than Steve Phillips having several pounds of alum shoved down his throat?)
Metstradamus, you've outdone yourself once again, bro. Congrats!! I am LAUGHING MY ARSE OFF at my desk, everyone at work thinks I'm nuts.
this apple is like the gary sheffield of 'secondary stadium icons'. it could play everyday, it just hasn't had enough work yet. it should lose 15 lbs.
and it says something about the state of affiars when we have to rely on brian schneider to end an 80 inning hr drought.
Can I get a Meh option for the Church/Mr. French poll, if that wasn't the most bland trade I had ever heard?
Absolutely classic! I was a little spooked, though, by all of the people in the pix that did not move a muscle during the entire conversation.
C'mon, Metstra. Everyone knows the neo-Apple didn't rise because Jose Reyes was at the neo-stadium working out. And he had the audacity to smile---at the Apple! Just listen to the geniuses on WFAN. Players who can slam 200+ hits and steal 50+ bases are just total villians and belong nowhere near the Mets clubhouse.
PS: Everyone also knows Jose Reyes shot JFK.
lol ... good stuff, as usual
Very well done. Great job.
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