Here's how stupid I am...I failed to realize the irony of making the announcement on the same day as Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken were inducted into the actual Hall of Fame until the next day. But here's what wasn't lost on me: Young is the first ever member of both baseball's hall of fame (was recognized with the J.G. Taylor Spink award in 1978, where he was booed lustily by Met fans), and my hall of hate. There will be others one day, but there will only be one first one...and that is Dick Young. High honor if you ask me.
Of course, it was made possible by the efforts of Greg at Faith and Fear, who's well timed internet campaign brought Young from about 7-10 votes out of the second spot behind the All-Star Home Field Rule (which, I must admit, was really meant to be just a throw-in...if I knew it would get so much support, I wouldn't have played that card), to the top spot in a matter of 24 hours.
So don't forget to listen to the exclusive announcement here, which was followed by a very interesting blogging pageant which came down to the wire due in part to my very fair judging.
The Final Vote:
Dick Young 193
Braden Looper 180
The All-Star Home Field Rule 141
Albert Pujols 104
Joe Torre 77
Pete Rose 76
Mel Rojas 65
Jeff Torborg 55
John Thomson 54
Richie Hebner 34
Eddie Murray 29
Tony Fernandez 18
Finally! After 30 years of hating that wretched hack who ran The Franchise out of town!
Damn, this makes me happy.
Irony here is on a day when baseball celebrated two great players who played for one organization their entire professional lives, we dishonor somebody who made sure someone at that level couldn't play his whole career for one team.
Added irony: Dick Young broke his own contract to bolt to the Post when it suited his needs. Unlike Gwynn and Ripken, he was no one-team guy.
Rot in hell, Young.
And, nice graphic, Metstra.
& over on my blog, in April, 2007, you'll find my "M.Donald Grant List":
Grant & Young & Looper are on that list
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