Well my name is Metstradamus...soothsayer of all that is Mets. You can count on me to provide the very best in soothsaying, fortune telling, and correctly predicting the future.
You all buying this yet?
Good, you're smarter than I thought. Here are some predictions for the second half of the 2005 season, starting with some easy ones and moving on to the more advanced:
- Kaz Ishii will not finish the season in the Mets rotation. In fact, he will not finish the season on the Mets roster.
- Mike Piazza will finish the season on the Mets roster, but will be dropped in the batting order. It will be Piazza who goes to Willie Randolph to ask him to do so, and take the pressure off of his manager.
- Benito Santiago will wear a uniform that says "Mets" before 2005 is over.
- Mike Pelfrey will not be signed before the end of the season.
- My "Crossing Over" special: I see a trade. First baseman. Health issues. It will be a name that hasn't been mentioned before. There will be a major contract re-negotiation to make this deal reality. I see this trade happening well before the deadline, perhaps immediately after the Braves series. But I see the Mets going into a quick losing streak immediately after this trade happens.
- There will be a trade involving a utility player. Woodward, Anderson, or Cairo. There will not be any room for all of them.
- Someone other than me will spell Mientkiewicz correctly.
- The word "tightness" will be associated with Pedro Martinez.
- Carlos Beltran's final stats: 24 HR's, 84 RBI's, 19 steals, .275 average, 93 runs.
- The Mets' bullpen still has one major collapse left this season...they'll blow a lead of at least six.
- There are nine games left with the Washington Nationals. One of those games will see a "W" next to the name of Stanton. Metstradamus will be swimming with hate, so don't forget to read this blog when that happens.
- Speaking of Stanton, the Nats sealed their fate by signing him...the Braves will win the N.L. East. Pencil the Nats in for the wild card though.
- One more Nat note, playing the part of Luis Aguayo will be Wil Cordero.
- I'll go with 83 wins. If it doesn't happen, blame my brother, who thinks he inherited the soothsayer gene.
So keep this in a safe place, and feel free to throw it back in my face in October after I'm exposed as a fraud.
very clever hate list for today, Metstradamus...no Mike Scioscia though??
btw- since I don't see your email address...you should check out my site at http://metswalkoffs.blogspot.com
simon, I went strictly walk off today. Scioscia is always a good one, since I was at that game.
I actually have been on your site mulitple times and I really like it! I remember being at a Kevin McReynolds grand slam walk off (I think it was an 8-4 win over Montreal or San Diego), a Hojo walk off single against St. Louis in '87 or '88, and a Bobby Bonilla walk off HR during the dark days of '93 against Cincy. I think that was the game that Rob Dibble ripped off his throwback jersey in disgust!
Touche (or as another Mets blogger said to me "To Shea")
Guess I should have been smart enough to realize that...
thanks for the link!
Thank you Mark as well!
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