Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Doctor Is In

As you know, Mike Pelfrey recently saw a sports psychologist to work out an issue he's been having with balks. Unfortunately, the Wilpons' recent problems with the Bernie Madoff scandal have priced them out of a lot of the really good sports psychologists. Thus Pelfrey's options were limited going into Saturday night's start against the Red Sox. Here now, in total breach of doctor-patient confidentiality, is that session between Pelfrey and the best sports psychologist that the Wilpons' money can buy:

Pelfrey caught up with Lucy after the game ...

Later ...

*Lucy appears courtesy of Charles Schulz, and courtesy of a big Mets win. Tipperary, however, is still a long ways away.


MetFanMac said...

Hee hee! Classic.

Did you see Pelfrey's pre-game quote? "The mind is pretty powerful, and it controls all your muscles and all those things." Deeeep.

DyHrdMET said...

brilliant! just brilliant!

James Allen said...

Great stuff. You sure the Wilpon's want to pay the 5 cents?

What a game last night. And I loved it when that stupid look on Palpelbon's face got wiped off. (Not that our guy pointing to the sky is much better, although now instead of thanking God for a save he should be cursing God for the back pain.)

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Why me?" Then a voice answers, "Nothing personal... your name just happened to come up." - Charlie Brown

Keyser said...

Lucy actually said "Alright Ryan, Im going to hold 3rd base, and I want you to trust me and step on it"

Good Grief!

Andrew said...

and where was ollie man...should have been next in line haha

Eli From Brooklyn said...

Lol. Good stuff. Quit your day job. Or is this it?

Anonymous said...
