But it sure does make you feel warm and fuzzy doesn't it?
It makes you feel warm and fuzzy because it's Opening Day. And because four years ago Braden Looper blew one in Cincinnati that caused cancer in lab rats. And because last season, a 2-1 lead that Johan Santana left in the sixth inning would have resulted in a conga line of people coming up to you and kicking you in the groinal region (Aaron Heilman, Luis Ayala, Doug Sisk, Gene Walter, your Uncle Mortimer, etc.)
But thankfully, at least for one game, Omar's famous quote of "We've addressed the bullpen" was more "tear down this wall" and less "mission accomplished", as Sean Green, J.J. Putz, and Frankie Rodriguez gave Met fans some real hope that they could prove the difference this season. Early on, this bullpen is going to be tested, as Snoop Manuel isn't going to take a chance early in the season on rainy days with Santana. And he might not have the luxury of extending guys like Oliver Perez and John Maine. So Bullpen 2.0 is going to have plenty of chances to prove just what kind of upgrade it is from that 24 bit bullpen that made New York home last year.
Omar Minaya gets a point for this one, as all his big acquisitions over the last two off-seasons chipped in for this one. For Minaya, the mission is accomplished ... for one day.
Did I see that the Phillies uniforms this year feature a gold outline around the lettering and numbers to commemorate their World Series Championship?
This really sticks in my craw . . .
That was a one game thing. The Red Sox did the same thing last opening day.
Oh . . .
It still sticks in my craw ;)
Yeah, that was rough to watch.
Great post... I've been starting to get back into my blog groove, can you guys check me out www.metsbeast.blogspot.com ... I started like three years ago but I've been busy with things, looking to get it back. Let everyone know!
The Phillies uniforms, with the red and yellow (gold), made me think of Ronald McDonald. http://www.rmhscranton.org/images/ronald.jpg
It looked kind of silly, so no craw-sticking for me (Myers performance didn't hurt either).
I heard the Phillies were going to wear a patch that depicts Jose Reyes rounding first with his fist in the air after a HR.
You know, since they have those obsession issues...
#1 on the critic's list!?!?
Hot dog!!
I'd like to thank you Metstra. Without your screaming hissy, none of this would have been possible. ;)
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