Nobody has accumulated more treats than these guys. Trust me, they've been wearing masks since the beginning of the month.
The after dinner mint to your Mets experience.
"Well, there's 5 mins I won't ever get back in my life. Was it supposed to be funny?" -Matty
"Drop your skirt and climb down off the table already."-Dave Crockett
"Could we be anymore dramatic? Relax,the sky is not falling..."-Steve
"Some times you have to let it go Mr. Testosterone."-Anonymous
"With all due respect, shut up."-anonymous
"Metstra, hardly a collapse you dumbass"-Mark
"You're an idiot...How about being partial in your reproting. Who are you John Sterling"-anonymous
"This post was stupid and pointless...What on earth did this display except that you're cranky?"-anonymous
"You write a lot. What's with that?"-Jen Gyllenhaal (No relation, I think)
"Did you spend thanxgiving over @ Michael Irvin's house????"-Jabair
"What is wrong with you? I've got to put you out of your misery..."-Darth Marc
"For a good time, call Mr. Met. 718-577-TIXX"-Mr. Met
"Go to hell."-Erica
"You Bastard!"-Erik Love
"I want this guy dead."-frozeropes, a quote taken shamelessly out of context
"I threw up just a little bit in my mouth."-my brother
"As someone who loves holiday song parodies, this gets a big-time thumbs up."-Mark Simon
"Bite me."-Mario
"Photoballs? Bleeping photoballs?"-Greg Prince
"Sometimes a franchise just has a big, black mark over it and no amount of wishful thinking can turn the tide..."-Jaap Still
"Brilliant use of an instructional picture book."-Kyle in Newport News
"Does Met$tra have a gambling problem?"-Erik Love
"Hasta la vista baby. I throw up the white flag."-Joe
"I'm still a fan, but enough is enough."-Meet the Mets
"I watch the grass grow - it's more exciting."-David
"Freaking Chipper Jones. I HATE Freaking Chipper Jones."-Dave Murray
"Good God man, what have you done??!! You've released the genie from the bottle. I see the showers and toilets backing up at Shea, emergency landings at LGA, unusual tides in Flushing Bay, and when they break ground for the new stadium the construction gang will unearth and disturb some ancient Indian burial ground for unlucky and cursed members of the Iroquois nation...Blaspheme no more Metstradamus! You are tempting the fates!"-The Metmaster
Walk-O-Meter: 17 |
So you see, with all the time off they've had this past month, the Mets have spent that time wisely to come up with some exciting promotions to enhance your enjoyment of the upcoming season. I for one can't wait.
No, Chuck LaMar is best remembered for ripping off a clueless organization of a top prospect.National crosschecker Chuck LaMar left the Nationals to become director of professional scouting with the Phillies on Thursday. LaMar will also work with director of Major League scouting Gordon Lakey and provide input on trades
for Phillies general manager Pat Gillick.According to baseball sources, LaMar left Washington to take a better position and because of some philosophical differences with some members of the Nationals organization. LaMar, who was not available for comment, joined the Nationals last November.
LaMar is best remembered for being the general manager of the Devil Rays for 11 seasons.
Yes, they can talk about the old times, while resuming their tradition of driving back and forth over the Canadian border where the mounties repeatedly ask them if they have any firearms in the car."Ok Jim, I'll give you Pat Burrell, Tom Gordon, and a ham sandwich for Cole Hamels..."
"No Jim, no. Let's try it again. I'll give you Wes Helms for..."
"Jim, you're supposed to wait until I finished."
"Deal! Deal! Deal! Wait, I don't have to ask anyone's permission, right?"
I wanted to find the last World Series Champion whose roster had been completely devoid, throughout their entire championship season, of a player who had previously spent time with the Mets. I figured it would be easy enough to find this out through the incomparable Baseball Reference website. You could have done this yourself, but you've most likely found better things to do than to wonder about such things.
Last season, we all bemoaned the fact that Braden Looper got himself a World Series ring.
In 2005, the White Sox featured Carl Everett and Timo Perez.
Yes, that Timo Perez.
The curse-breaking 2004 Red Sox had Pedro Astacio on their roster at some point...along with Jersey Bobby Jones for three games.
Surely, there had to be a recent team not to have an ex-Met on it, right?
2003 featured the Florida Marlins, with Lenny "Pork Chop" Harris.
The 2002 Rally Monkeys had Donne Wall in their bullpen.
All right, the 2001 Diamondbacks. They couldn't have had an ex-Met on their roster, right? Wrong...they had Armando Reynoso.
(Mind you, we're not talking about future Mets like Jay Bell and Mike DiFelice...only players who had already spent time in Flushing when they were on a team that went on to win the World Series.)
Uh-oh. Now I'm starting to get worried, because those Yankee teams featured plenty of ex-Mets, much to our chagrin...as Jose Vizcaino killed the Mets in the 2000 Series, 1999 featured David Cone, and 1998 had Darryl Strawberry. Even the '97 Marlins had Bobby Bonilla.
I think I'm starting to get sick.
The 1996 Yankees had Dwight Gooden along with Strawberry, which at the time was bad enough.
All right, the 1995 Braves...there's a team that couldn't have possibly had a former Met on it, right?
Oh damn, their back-up catcher was Charlie O'Brien. And they also had Alejandro Pena. (Yeesh!)
The 1993 Blue Jays had plenty of future Mets like Al Leiter, Shawn Green, and Carlos Delgado. But former Mets? Just one...Dick Schofield (yet one is enough).
The '92 Jays had our friend David Cone.
The Twins in 1991 were loaded with them, partly thanks to the Frank Viola trade, between Kevin Tapani and David West. They also had Tom Edens and Junior Ortiz. Remember those two? Edens pitched one game for the Mets, and I believe it was in Los Angeles...and he wore number 32. Why must God curse me with a memory full of useless things while I lose my house keys five times a day?
(Actually, he pitched two games for the Mets, so I don't feel too bad. But I was right about the Dodgers.)
The Reds in 1990 had Randy Myers and Herm Winningham.
The 1989 Athletics...and believe me, this is a stretch...but they did have ,for 79 very mediocre at bats, a guy named Billy Beane.
Don't remind me about 1988 and Dodger reliever Jesse Orosco.
The Twins in 1987? Would you believe Beane again? (Along with a guy named Jeff Reardon.)
And that brings us to 1986, our last title.
And wouldn't you know it, the 1985 Kansas City Royals featured nobody who had previously worn the Mets uniform.
So besides the fact that I have absolutely nothing to do with my time thanks to the collapse, it should tell you that the Red Sox shouldn't measure their fingers for rings just yet (the Red Sox are devoid of former Mets on their roster, while Cleveland features Chip Caray's favorite pitcher: Paul Byrd).
It should tell you that when the 2007 Mets' roster turns over, at least one of the jettisoned players will win a ring in '08 and make us sigh. (And it gives Tampa Bay some hope...Thanks again, Jim Duquette.)
And it tells us that the only way to break this cycle is for the Mets to win the series their own selves. Or else, the curse continues.
Scott Schoeneweis, the veteran New York Mets reliever and a survivor of testiticular cancer, received six steroid shipments from Signature Pharmacy while playing for the Chicago White Sox in 2003 and 2004, ESPN has learned.Should I blame a guy for something he did before there was a policy on it? Heck, I'm not even sure guys like Rick Ankiel and Troy Glaus are lousy cheats for doing it (allegedly) before the policy was put in place (like Rafael Palmeiro is).
According to a source in Florida close to the ongoing investigation of Signature, Schoeneweis' name appears on packages that were sent to Comiskey Park while the White Sox were battling to win the AL Central title in 2003. Two more shipments arrived at the stadium in 2004, months before Schoeneweis underwent arthroscopic surgery on his left elbow.
"It hurts doesn't it? Your hopes dashed, your dreams down the toilet. And your fate is sitting right besides you." -John Malkovich in RoundersWell team, you did it.
"Real Met fans know we played our hearts out."Gee, that's sounds a lot like "Real Met fans aren't going to criticize this team...they're going to say aw shucks and we'll get 'em next season and stuff like that."