Well when Felix finds out that his band was enlisted to pay off a poker bet he refuses to sing with the band. Oscar, panicking, decides to try to sing a doe-see-doe with Felix's cowpokes and it's a complete disaster.
That was Pedro Martinez's first inning back from injury.
Felix, then feeling sorry for Oscar, decides to re-take the helm, and announces "That was the comedy portion of our show." The rest of the show goes smooth as silk and Billy Bob refrains from twisting Oscar's rigoletto.
That was innings 2-6 of Pedro's comeback.
And in one fell swoop, the Mets have suddenly stabilized while the arch nemesis Braves went scrambling, finally wheeling Wilson Betemit but not for the relievers we all thought. And maybe the timing is all wrong for the Braves as our friend Larry Jones was seen wincing with a recurrence of an injury to his side (maybe it split too wide laughing at Marcus Giles' "kiss your sister" comment). Sure, they have Danys Baez for the 'pen, but he lost his closer job in Los Angeles. And now they get to depend on Willy Aybar and Pete Orr to give them some offense at third base. Are they sorry they made that trade now?
The Braves can stuff their sorries in a sack, mister.
Meanwhile, Petey was all-purpose tonight...not only chucking five scoreless after his implosion in the first inning, but starting the all-important tying rally in the second by doubling down the line off of Horacio Ramirez and his slop du jour. It's just another example of the brilliance of Pedro Martinez. Here we are thinking that his red whiffle bat was just a gimmick...little did we know he was just sizing everyone up for the exact...right...moment.
Met fans may now feel free to exhale.
If you would have told me Pedro was gonna pitch the way he did from innings 2-6 after the 1st i'd have said you were crazy. Considering what Petey has been through with the toe, hip and month long layoff(to say nothing of no assingment starts)that comeback was maybe one of the best and most pleasurable in my years as a Mets fan. The dreaded Braves were chopped down to size with a Herculean effort by our Boy Pedro!! October here we come!! Now go get us another stopper Omar :)
I think Mets' fans did a group exhale with Willie after the last out. Don't tell me Willie doesn't understand the history here - he looked like he was fearing a sudden "deluge" like the rest of us.
Poor poor Larry.
Marcus Giles' Dad says he's the best french kisser.
No let up now...let's totally devastate Atlanta like no one since Sherman on his march to the sea. Total war...
This is completely unralted to Petey, but I have to vent!!
So the question is: How in the world does FOX show a 1 pm on Saturday July 29 Boston vs. Angels game in the New York Market (Albany)??
Horrible job by FOX. This is the second time this is happened with FOX. Here I am blaming my satellite provider and it turns out to be Fox!!!!!!!!!!!Just horrible.
The only good thing about not watching my METS and Braves play is that I don't have to listen to the equally horrible Tim (Duh!) McCarver.
Trust me, WXXA FOX 23, I'll avoid your network like the plague!!!!!!!!
Where's my radio.....??
Disgruntled Met Fan,
Marlon Muñoz
Mets/Braves has Kenny Albert and Lou Piniella. No McCarver here.
Still Metstradamus,
I missed watching the long faces of the Braves. Hopefully we can get the sweep tomorrow.
By the way, I enjoyed wathing Larry in pain last night. Is that wrong?
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