But to me, you can put it on guaranteed lock that the night the Mets are one game away from elimination, the Phillies will be on the schedule. And Nellie will start that game. And he'll summon every lord of baseball available in heaven to conjure up the greatest start of his career. And then he'll sign autographs for every one of the 43,647 in attendance in Philadelphia. And meanwhile, back in Queens, there will be a torch and a pitchfork for every Figueroa autograph signed that night at Omar Minaya's door demanding his head.
Melodramatic? Probably. But did ya think last April that Pedro Martinez was going to be the chosen one to deliver the final blow to the Mets last season? Did ya? Because you know ... deep down you know ... that if the Mets are going to be eliminated this season, they will do so in the most twisted plot available to them. Whatever puts the biggest smile on John Kruk's face, that'll be the open flame to burn the Mets. It's that simple.
Nelson Figueroa, hero to those young and old during his time in New York, now carries that flame. For Philadelphia.
To quote Steve Jobs:
Why not help out our main rival with exactly what they are looking for? We cut every player who played well this Spring. Why should we expect the Mets Mismanagement to do the right thing? The consequences of bonehead moves know no bounds.
I think I'm the only Mets fan not up in arms about Figgy. He's a 35 y/o journeyman pitcher for a reason. He'll be good as cut once Philly is back up to snuff with their pitching staff. And not for nothing, Pedro *hardly* delivered the final blow to the Mets. They were their own worst enemy last year. You really wanted Pedro? He wouldn't have helped anyway and certainly did not help the already in first-place Phils. "damus, I am expecting more from you here ;-)
nah i'm with you coop. figgy isn't any great loss.
Yeah, well Nellie signed my baseball last year so I'm allowing myself to be irrational. ;)
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