One is the "Troubles at the Ted". After one season of respite, the Mets have lost three in a row in the house that Time Warner built after winning the first one. It's doubtful that doubt is creeping back into the minds of the Mets about this place, but three in a row is too long a streak for a team that's 14-3 in stadiums not named "Shea" or "Turner".
Another is the infamous "S.U.C.K.M.E" theory, where the Mets famously lose to rookies and jokers. First, it was Tyler Clippard. Tuesday night's "joker" was Kyle Davies, who is slowly becoming a Met killer. Davies hadn't gone eight innings in about a year...and the last time was against the Mets too. And not only that, he sent an Aaron Sele pitch into orbit for a three run home run. It wasn't a typical pitcher home run...down the line off the fair pole just over the way...no, this was a center field blast. Aaron, you really should be ashamed of yourself.
Jorge Sosa wasn't going to go 15-0 throwing one-hitters all the time. And he had some good pitches get knocked around. But not the best timing to lose your first against the team that you really wanted to beat...and against the team chasing you. Bad timing. An 8-1 loss means that the Mets are in the position where they have to save a little face and win these next two games. It's possible with Ollie Perez (who has two stellar games against Atlanta under his belt so far this season), and Tom Glavine going. However, the Braves counter with Chuck James and John Smoltz, and it's entirely possible that they win two more as well.
How's the back?
And how long before Kyle Davies has his own myspace site with hundreds of hangers on saying I knew you when?
Unser's disturbing trends - John Maine has looked bad his last 3 starts, Sosa's pixie dust may be wearing out too and Delgado is showing no signs of rebounding from his awful start.
Let's smoke Chuck James tonight. . .
It would be cool if I got a hundred bucks everytime someone used the "SUCK ME" phrase. Ah well, I can dream...
Jaap, the back is creaky but I'm hanging in there. Thanks!
Toasty, patent baby...patent.
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