Where was it four hours earlier? It could have really helped bring some of those May flowers and rained out the disaster that took place this afternoon. Instead, the only rain at Shea today was the raining of hits by the Colorado Rockies on Mike Pelfrey for an 11-5 defeat which really wasn't that close (kind of like the play to end the game with Carlos Beltran's grounder in the hole really wasn't that close either...I mean, he was safe by three miles! I hope traffic delayed Rob Drake's ride to the airplane he was trying to catch by calling Beltran out to when everyone in the park could see he was safe. Even Keith Hernandez saw Beltran was safe and he wasn't even in the park. Yeah, the Mets probably didn't have nine more straight hits left in 'em, but we'll never know now, will we Rob Drake??? All right, I feel better...wait, no I don't.)
How mad were the Rockies about losing on a drag bunt the night before that they came out and basically took Pelfrey behind the woodshed with Willy Taveras (five hits) and Todd Helton (four hits and a goatee that is nesting small birds) taking turns with the belt (with cameo appearances by John Mabry, who got two hits and four RBI's proving that you don't necessarily need Mapquest to get from the interstate to the Mendoza Line)?
So is Mike Pelfrey in over his head? Maybe. But why send him back to the minors now? There's nothing for Pelfrey to be gained by going back to New Orleans and dominating AAA hitters and having people wonder if he's just a quadruple A pitcher. No, let him learn and take his lumps up in the majors. Besides, who else can come up? Chan Ho Park and his 7.00 ERA while facing minor league hitters? Hardly.
Pelfrey will be fine. I don't know when, but under the tutelage and possible butt kicking of Rick Peterson, he'll be fine. Until then, we may have to see Pelfrey play Charlie Brown for a little while until he learns how to spot his fast ball. Rick Peterson would probably say that Pelfrey is like a chicken that comes out of the oven all crispy on the outside so you think it's done, but then you slice it open and it's all pink and cold in the middle. Pelfrey would be better served to broil up in the majors instead of going down to the microwave oven known as AAA for a quick fix.
Just to warn you, my presence will be scarce during the Nationals series due to a short little weekend getaway. Those looking for your Metstradamus fix (and if you're addicted to this blog, I worry about you greatly) can find my latest Flushing University contribution this Friday. And also, if you've ever wanted to hear my docile tones (again, I worry about you...even more than the first time), the boys at Metsblog were kind enough to invite me to their radio show to discuss Mike Pelfrey, Aaron Heilman, and Rafael Santana (yes, that Rafael Santana) along with Zoe Rice for their Bloggers Roundtable, which takes place between the :30 minute mark and the :45 minute mark. You can find the show right here.
I thank Matt and Anthony for putting up with me, and for letting me prove once and for all that I talk entirely too much (and you thought I wrote a lot).
Pelfrey will be fine. The whole point of letting him fill the fifth spot was that the Mets have the luxury of letting Pelfrey experience some growing pains. He's only 23! Met fans and Met management should have enough foresight to not jump ship after three starts.
What do the Mets and the Rangers have in common?
They both got "Buffaloed!!!"
This was what you call "A Stinker" and since we all know that this is a long season, they come up now and then. There is nothing wrong with Pelfrey and I agree with Metsradamus (which never happens) that he needs to learn how to overcome this adversity and conquer through it. I also love the fact that he got mad in the dugout and slammed his glove. He showed me some guts and that goes a long way when you are a rookie pitcher....
That Pelfrey-chicken metaphor was so good that it made me weep. Oh wait, no, it was the game that made me weep.
You should really have participated in Colbert's Metaphor-off.
Vargas, Sosa, and Humber are heating it up in AAA.
i mean they're BLAZING!
well, at least compared to pelfrey
anoyone still think it was a good idea shelving Pelf for 2 weeks instead of Duque?
Ditto what christa said. I'd actually call the chicken conceit an epic metaphor, as it continued to develop after its initial appearance--as Pelfrey himself will doubtless do. I also appreciated your pun on docile and dulcet.
You are Homer.
Hahaha, love the photo!
Mets should bring up Humber and see how he does...
Congrats on the radio gig.
As to the question of the 5th spot: Phree Phil!
I will now continue to shamelessly endorse my completely meaningless petition for Alex Rodriguez to give David Wright his mojo back.
Sign it!
I think the Mets need to send Pelfrey down. Eventually I'm sure he will be a great pitcher but right now he can't cut it.
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