Instead, the Mets never got to that point because they can't hit Hong-Chih Kuo. Let's review for a second: Hong-Chih Kuo, lifetime, was 3-11 with an ERA of close to 5 going in. Any guesses as to who two of those three career wins came against?
That's correct: your New York Mets.
Of course, it wouldn't have mattered if the Mets would have capitalized on some of their opportunities in the early innings ... like when they had a 3-0 lead and Ryan Church up with the bases loaded and nobody out in the second, and Church then hits into a double play and all bets are off. I think by the time Moises Alou stole home in the third on a double steal, the Mets had already stranded something like 35 runners in scoring position.
But Kuo coming in and looking like Carl Hubbell is just freakin' mind boggling. Mind boggling! And worse, it gave me the clarity to notice more things that I can complain about:
- Maybe all the Dodger nostalgia during the broadcasts are a coincidence. But in this world of heightened conspiracy alerts, it's a darn tootin' coincidence that all of these vignettes crop up considering that the president of the Brooklyn Dodgers secret society owns the team. I mean, the opening game of the series is one thing. But the nostalgia was in full force tonight too. The Giants are the only N.L. team with more hall of famers than the Dodgers. Any chance we'll get some Candlestick Park memories when the Mets go up north later in the year?
- I love Ron Darling. But stop with these damn Sovereign Bank commercials after every inning! The trees look like they're on fire and it's freaking me out!
- Is it me, or did David Wright look exhausted when there were two outs and nobody on when the camera cut to him in the dugout? Was it all those sparkling plays in the field he made (sandwiched between the throw he made that landed somewhere in El Segundo) that made him tired? Or was it hopelessness? And if it was hopelessness, how did the rest of the dugout look?
- I love Luis Castillo. Not like I love Ron Darling, but I'm a fan. And I'm pleased as punch he got his first hit in 85 at bats tonight. But a lollipop slider to end the game? Really, Luis? You know, protecting the plate is more than just for dinner, Luis.

It occurs to me that I've been going about this Aaron Heilman thing all wrong. Instead of complaining about him at every turn, I'm going to start my "Aaron Heilman Initiative". Meaning: When Heilman comes into a game, instead of watching the game and having complaints at the ready, I'm going to perform a good deed. So even when Heilman has a bad outing, some good will have come of it. For example, when Heilman entered the game tonight, I washed the dishes. So if Heilman had spit the bit, at least some good will have come of it. If everyone took part in the "Aaron Heilman Initiative", think of the good we can do as a society! One person does dishes. One person helps an old lady across the street. One person donates ten dollars to North Shore Animal League. We can actually turn society around instead of just sitting around complaining. And if Heilman has a good outing as he did tonight (two scoreless innings ... and in a close game no less), then everyone wins!
Metstradamus, you deserve Hazardous Duty pay, or something, for staying up and watching the game. I went to bed when things started to get ugly.
And "The Heilman Initiative" sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel.
I'd love to see Angel Pagan have a great season, but it does not seem to be in the cards. Defensively, he's making me miss Shawn Green.
Too many gaps in this lineup. I'm bored even when they're winning.
I couldn't help but think of Jeff Keppinger in that last at bat.
It's either Ron Darling for Sovereign Bank, or Guiseppe Franco for Procede. Take your pick. I got with Ronnie.
And to think that I never thought I'd be longing for the Geico or the AFLAC commercials..... lol.
I actually think the overexposure for both Sovereign and Giuseppe Franco might be hurting both, rather than helping them. I know everytime I pass a Sovereign Bank branch, I think of the last Mets loss, and am tempted to go in there and give them a piece of my mind.
Kuo can join the 2008 Class of the Crappy Player but still a Met Killer Hall of Fame. I'll put his placque up right next to Eric Gagne
I'll take Ronnie AND Guiseppe over the anti-smoking commercials any day of the week.
I am surprised there has not been more general merriment over the fact that the Dodgers have a player whose name is pronounced "Who". Every time I hear the announcer say something like, "Who has not had a stolen base yet this year", I laugh and answer, "I don't know, who?" Which amuses me immensely, and may also be why my son won't have his friends over when I'm watching games.
Was attention paid to this issue previously, which I missed? Or are people uncharacteristically being sensitive and kind about it?
I hear you on the Heilman initiative. Nothing hurts more than a tough loss that sucked hours of your life you'll never get back. Productive pro-action is an effective counterstrike. In my house in LA I can show you kitchen windows I installed during Ollie Perez's game 4 win over the Cards in '06, and a row of hydrangea's we planted during Glavine's 300th victory.
I noticed something about the Sovereign Bank commercials the other day..
I was at my buddy's house watching MLB Extra Innings on 46" High Def (amazing.) and the Red Sox broadcast on NESN had THE SAME EXACT SOVEREIGN BANK COMMERCIAL but instead of Ronny Darling, it was the NESN color-man Jerry Remy. Apparently their marketing strategy is to hit baseball fans with a familiar/trusted personality.
Anyhow, thought that was interesting.
And here is the Jerry Remy version:
Thanks Scott. That's just creepy.
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