"Well, there's 5 mins I won't ever get back in my life. Was it supposed to be funny?" -Matty
"Drop your skirt and climb down off the table already."-Dave Crockett
"Could we be anymore dramatic? Relax,the sky is not falling..."-Steve
"Some times you have to let it go Mr. Testosterone."-Anonymous
"With all due respect, shut up."-anonymous
"Metstra, hardly a collapse you dumbass"-Mark
"You're an idiot...How about being partial in your reproting. Who are you John Sterling"-anonymous
"This post was stupid and pointless...What on earth did this display except that you're cranky?"-anonymous
"You write a lot. What's with that?"-Jen Gyllenhaal (No relation, I think)
"Did you spend thanxgiving over @ Michael Irvin's house????"-Jabair
"What is wrong with you? I've got to put you out of your misery..."-Darth Marc
"For a good time, call Mr. Met. 718-577-TIXX"-Mr. Met
"Go to hell."-Erica
"You Bastard!"-Erik Love
"I want this guy dead."-frozeropes, a quote taken shamelessly out of context
"I threw up just a little bit in my mouth."-my brother
"As someone who loves holiday song parodies, this gets a big-time thumbs up."-Mark Simon
"Bite me."-Mario
"Photoballs? Bleeping photoballs?"-Greg Prince
"Sometimes a franchise just has a big, black mark over it and no amount of wishful thinking can turn the tide..."-Jaap Still
"Brilliant use of an instructional picture book."-Kyle in Newport News
"Does Met$tra have a gambling problem?"-Erik Love
"Hasta la vista baby. I throw up the white flag."-Joe
"I'm still a fan, but enough is enough."-Meet the Mets
"I watch the grass grow - it's more exciting."-David
"Freaking Chipper Jones. I HATE Freaking Chipper Jones."-Dave Murray
"Good God man, what have you done??!! You've released the genie from the bottle. I see the showers and toilets backing up at Shea, emergency landings at LGA, unusual tides in Flushing Bay, and when they break ground for the new stadium the construction gang will unearth and disturb some ancient Indian burial ground for unlucky and cursed members of the Iroquois nation...Blaspheme no more Metstradamus! You are tempting the fates!"-The Metmaster
All right. The cloud is lifted. Our manager's job status is resolved. Now it's up to us as players to play better ... and there's no excuse not to anymore. Our fragile little baseball player minds can now be free to hit, pitch, and catch like we know how! So let's go out there and ...
Nice that this team can show as much fire and brimstone on the field than they do in the locker room.
“If you wanna be an ass, I can be an ass too.” -Carlos Delgado
Ooh! Jon Heyman, you got owned!!!
Ricky Nolasco, not so much (Delgado was oh for three with a sac fly RBI).
I'm not about to sit here and analyze Delgado's non-reaction to Willie Randolph not losing his job. Nor will I analyze Carlos Beltran's similar non-reaction. Look, athletes in general are skittish about every little thing they say in a locker room be dissected like a grasshopper in biology class. So I can't get on them too much. But the one thing they said which is non-negotiable to put on that bulletin board is this: "We have to play better."
Well, duh!
And don't try to tell us it's early. Because in reality, it's late. It's late when it comes to the window of opportunity that is closing for this team as presently constituted. It's closing when Mr. Beltran is hitting .260. It's closing when Mike Pelfrey keeps exposing himself as someone who isn't going to live up to his draft slot. It's closing when Ryan Church is still seeing little Disney characters circling his head. It's closing when there are whispers that Johan Santana is losing his velocity. And all this on the same day as the Phillies score 20 runs, and Scott Kazmir strikes out ten batters in seven innings.
It's rough, but I grew up watching an infield of Mike Jorgenson, Doug Flynn, Frank Tavares and the vaunted Elliot Maddux/Hubie Brooks platoon. So I'm used to it.
Tim, Jorgy could pick it at first! Could also pop one every now and then. Doug Flynn, not so much.
And Jorgy looks like a significant upgrade over Delgado right now.
15 up and 15 down, and not one ball out of the infield? What was it against Glavine, 22 up and 22 down? We could easily get no-hit one of these days.
Glad to see Gary and Ron revisited that balk move by Fuentes the other night. If that's not a balk, then nothing is. They should just get rid of the rule.
I've been doing some reading about sports concussions, and you know what? - Ryan really should not be pinch-hitting as long as he is symptomatic from his head injury. He could get hit by a pitch, or have another head injury while running the bases. That could be catastrophic. I think they should put him on the DL.
The balk rule shouldn't be abolished it should be enforced.
And yes Jorgy was a solid player for us it wasn't a dig on him personally, just how bad that team's record was. Hubie put together some pretty good seasons for us and then the Expos and Dodgers if I remember correctly.
Let's not forget that the Mets increased ticket prices at Shea this year. We are paying a premium to watch this crap. I've finally put my finger on how to describe this squad. The 2008 Mets are "Team McReynolds". All that guy cared about was the season to end so he could go back to Arkansas to hunt and fish. He exhibited the passion and intellect of a doorknob.
Good call, Metmaster. Despite the fact that he usually put up decent numbers, I couldn't stand that guy. His demeanor just reminded me that 1986 was long gone.
It's interesting, though Met fans always make mention that McReynolds always would hit his homeruns in games that were fargone conclusions, it was brought to my attention some years ago by Jack Flynn of Productive Outs and FU that he was actually quite prolific in the clutch for us. I think we just like to think all of his homers and rbis were in dead end games because we hated him so much.
Great observation, I couldn't agree more about the attitude this team seems to have and the reminder of what is long gone. This team was a one trick pony and needs a fair amount of overhauling for it to get back to where it was in the better parts of the 2006 season.
It's rough, but I grew up watching an infield of Mike Jorgenson, Doug Flynn, Frank Tavares and the vaunted Elliot Maddux/Hubie Brooks platoon. So I'm used to it.
Tim, Jorgy could pick it at first! Could also pop one every now and then. Doug Flynn, not so much.
And Jorgy looks like a significant upgrade over Delgado right now.
15 up and 15 down, and not one ball out of the infield? What was it against Glavine, 22 up and 22 down? We could easily get no-hit one of these days.
Glad to see Gary and Ron revisited that balk move by Fuentes the other night. If that's not a balk, then nothing is. They should just get rid of the rule.
I've been doing some reading about sports concussions, and you know what? - Ryan really should not be pinch-hitting as long as he is symptomatic from his head injury. He could get hit by a pitch, or have another head injury while running the bases. That could be catastrophic. I think they should put him on the DL.
The balk rule shouldn't be abolished it should be enforced.
And yes Jorgy was a solid player for us it wasn't a dig on him personally, just how bad that team's record was. Hubie put together some pretty good seasons for us and then the Expos and Dodgers if I remember correctly.
It really is 1980.
Where is Willie MontaƱez when you need him?
Let's not forget that the Mets increased ticket prices at Shea this year. We are paying a premium to watch this crap.
I've finally put my finger on how to describe this squad. The 2008 Mets are "Team McReynolds". All that guy cared about was the season to end so he could go back to Arkansas to hunt and fish. He exhibited the passion and intellect of a doorknob.
Good call, Metmaster. Despite the fact that he usually put up decent numbers, I couldn't stand that guy. His demeanor just reminded me that 1986 was long gone.
It's interesting, though Met fans always make mention that McReynolds always would hit his homeruns in games that were fargone conclusions, it was brought to my attention some years ago by Jack Flynn of Productive Outs and FU that he was actually quite prolific in the clutch for us. I think we just like to think all of his homers and rbis were in dead end games because we hated him so much.
Great observation, I couldn't agree more about the attitude this team seems to have and the reminder of what is long gone. This team was a one trick pony and needs a fair amount of overhauling for it to get back to where it was in the better parts of the 2006 season.
The mets will need to play better if they want to win a chompionship.
I've become inured to it all. 2009, here we come, meanwhile let's check the boxscores without getting excited about anything (win or lose).
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