Friday, April 11, 2008

Accentuate The Positive

I'm not going to be a complete curmudgeon (SAT word) and complain about certain things that I could complain about.

"A win is a win is a win" is what an old dear friend of mine used to say (of course, he used to say that about the Knicks so you know those wins are at a premium), and I'm going to take that tact here. The Mets have won their series against the Phillies, and they're back to .500 on the season. That should be enough to satisfy my palate.

I will not be focusing on the fact that the victory should have been in eight and a half innings and not flippin' twelve. I'm not going to focus on the fact that Carlos Beltran would have an excellent mindset at the plate if he indeed had a mind. I'm not going to sweat the fact that after Jose Reyes and David Wright executed a double steal in the eighth, and J.C. Romero had a 2-2 count on Beltran with first base open, a hitter that Romero has dominated on deck (Carlos Delgado), and every reason to pitch around him, Beltran went hacking at a pitch designed to be impossible to hit and unlikely to tick the strike zone and strike out.

I'm not even going to fret that these two Met victories over Philadelphia came with Jimmy Rollins on the bench (save for a strikeout against Billy Wagner in the ninth on Thursday) because Joe Morgan gave him medical advice.

And I'm in such a good mood, I'm not even going to mention how Aaron Heilman sucks koala bear testicles.

Instead, I will revel in the outing provided to us by John Maine (one run in six plus strong innings.)

I will pump my fist and wipe my brow over the jam that Scott Schoeneweis got the Mets out of in the eleventh getting Chase Utley to ground into a big double play.

And I will do a Reyes/Delgado hand slap over the fact that the clock hasn't struck midnight for Angel Pagan, and that he still gets hits ... including the big walk-off hit in the twelfth in back of Reyes' second extra base hit of the year.

(All that, and Claudio Vargas too? What did I do to deserve this?)

But then my heart will sink because it took me from February until ten minutes ago that the Mets have an Angel, and a Church on the team. How did I not see this and make a stupid joke about that up until now? I have to be a better writer than that. But otherwise, it's positive, positive, positive.

A win ... is a win ... is a win.


Ceetar said...

I actually thought of/wrote of that Angel/Church thing a couple of weeks ago. I wonder which newspaper will have the corniest headline about it tomorrow?

MetFanMac said...

You got "curmudgeon" right and then misspelled "palate" three sentences later? For shame ;-)

Also, may I add that I NEVER liked Heilman as a reliever, even back when they started using him that way.

Anonymous said...

Make Heilman a starter, and he won't be able to blow any more 8th innings!


Anonymous said...

Heilman is on my fantasy team. He's really been crapping that up too.

Anonymous said...

Demitri - you need to have better fantasies.

Anonymous said...

In addition to eschewing "palate", for "palette", one takes a "tack", not a tact.

I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

yeah - my roster is screwed. It seems that on draft day, everyone seems to take the day off from work and devote a full 12 hours to drafting players.

Anonymous said...

BTW, thanks to SNY's new HD technology, during the 10th inning when Keith Hernandez bent over to get lolipops for everyone I was able to figure out that he wears tighty whities. Thank you SNY in HD!

katherine said...

Demitri- it's not punishment enough to have Aaron on the actual team you root for, you have to put him on your fantasy team too? What were you thinking?

The mind boggles...

And if one more person leaves a comment with a spelling correction I will run amok! Don't rein in Metstradamus' creativity - you guys would probably correct James Joyce, too.

Anonymous said...

I say this somewhat jokingly, but I "grew up" watching Angel Pagan. I worked for the AA Binghamton Mets throughout high school and then after I graduated. He's actually a hell of a ball player. I remember after moving to TN and seeing him play against the AAA Nasvhille Sounds with Cubs minor league team, and thinking "why the hell did they give him up?" Of course I also say the same thing about Neil Musser, but that's more bc he was just a nice guy. Anyways enough rambling. I'm procrastinating. I'm supposed to have a 8-10 page paper turned in in about 2 hours, and I've only got 6 pages written. Hope you realize how important you are. LOL

Metstradamus said...

I prefer to take a tack to a corkboard.

Palate was the victim of spellcheck gone wrong. My bad.

Metstradamus said...

And did I just get compared to James Joyce? That's not too much pressure (unless of course you mean JIM Joyce ... the umpire with the high pitched strike call.)

Anonymous said...

Is he an angel?---or just a pagan Church has to convert or else be subject to being skinned alive like the good old days? And why the cribbing from sad old Steve Somers? Do I still have to hate Jimmy Rollins this weekend?---I was sorta looking forward to seeing Ryan Braun rained out this weekend.

katherine said...

No pressure, Metstradamus, I am sure your readers would prefer "I'm All In" to this:

"O here here how hoth sprowled met the duskt the father of fornicationists but, (O my shining stars and body!) how hath fanespanned most high heaven the skysign of soft advertisement!"

Metstradamus said...

Skysign of soft advertisement? I think you just gave the Wilpons an idea for a new revenue stream at Citi Field!

katherine said...

Haha- And I always did think "Stately plump Buck Mulligan" sounded like an over-the-hill baseball player.

The scary thing is, I'm at work.

Anonymous said...

Whoever had Angel Pagan as one of the top OFs in the MLB in February based on current stats was smoking some pot. But looks very sober now.